ID Andragogia









Cultural Diversity Consulting Consulting
Our strategies


We assume that situations with multicultural aspects are complex and multivariable and not simple to generalise. They are defined by cultural values and attitudes at three levels:

National culture/s

Institution’s or organisation’s culture/s

Specific individual interpretation

 Your goals

You want to enlarge your personal intercultural competences

You want to build up a successful multicultural team

You want to manage arising intercultural problems more efficiently

You want to expand the organisation’s or company’s competences towards advantageous multicultural interaction

 Our goals

With the aim of helping our clients maintain effective and efficient relations within the organisation and their relevant environment, we work with a permanent focus on everyday business. In our programmes the central questions arising in multicultural situations therefore are:

How can the company or the organisation maintain effective and efficient working relations across cultural boundaries?

How can members develop multicultural competences, so that targets are accomplished and relations are successfully maintained on a long term?

As a result of the intensive confrontation with concepts and hands-on exercises, people are able to take action to a greater extend, while considering the variety of values and behaviour patterns of different culture groups and interest groups, without getting bogged down in multicultural dilemmas.

 Research-based training programmes

We use findings, based on practical experience, and results from cultural studies and models of successful conflict-resolving processes. We share our wide experience and knowledge in psychology, ethnology, organisational development, project management, and further more areas with our clients. Our specific consulting products support our clients in finding different ways to handle the complexity of intercultural situations. The proved support processes enable our clients to cope more efficiently with tensions arising from various expectations and from challenging leadership tasks in diversity.

The above-said does not mean, of course, that we can always offer accurate explanations of human behaviour. But, we make valid predictions under specified circumstances. Within such socio-cultural defined systems, we work out reasonable possibilities of successful behaviour and interaction.

The applied models, methods, trainings and coaching programmes are appropriately diverse and tailored to the clients’ needs and the background of the organization.

 The tools we work with

Inputs based on intercultural findings and general concepts on intercultural interaction.

Analysis of the actual and relevant facts and figures.

Reflection of the individual culture competences and the organisational learning process.

Hands-on exercises, awareness experiments and feedback.

Simulations of intercultural situations and case studies.

Support of the client’s perception and competence with broader experience.

 That means the clients are profoundly involved in this systemic learning process by becoming aware of cultural differences in verbal and non-verbal communication and the culture related mental models and perception.

Reflecting on their own cultural situations and recovering the underlying values and gaining broader freedom of valuation and perception.

Analysing the complex multicultural situations and getting the chance to work out a certain necessary response to their current requests.

Exploring multicultural skills and applicable communication patterns to get a certain range of variety in interaction.

Recognising hindering stereotypes and prejudices, their convictions and thus, their consequent behaviour.


Reflecting on intercultural situations and developing variable social competences.

Practising multicultural competences in simulations and getting feedback.

At the level of the organisation or company, we work in close cooperation with our clients and we reflect the cultural patterns of the corporate culture.

Analyse the complexity of the multicultural organisation, including the often unnoticed influence of values, attitudes and conceptions.

Support the awareness process with the aim of recognising the helpful as well as hindering cultural patterns and aspects in corporate culture, structure and strategy.

Work on intercultural corporate issues and develop successful strategies and models of cooperation.

By clicking on the corresponding words you learn more about

Our Work Attitude

Our Approach

Coaching Multicultural Teams

Multicultural Competences Development

Conflict Moderation

Diversity Consulting in SME

Leadership Coaching

Background of Margot Hug